Workers' Communist Party of Norway (AKP)

Dissolve the EU!

Policy Statement from the AKP

December 2000

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In 1994 the Norwegian people voted no to joining the EU a second time (the first time was in 1973). The Labour Party, the Conservative Party, the extreme right party were all in favour of membership in the EU. They said: We cannot survive outside the EU. We will be isolated and our economy will stagnate. They said exactly the same things in 1973. And they were lies then and now. But this matter is not only a question for Norway. All over Europe the EU is the political expression of capitalist development today. And the only way out of capitalism goes through the dissolution of the EU. No socialist society can build on a state where the question of national independence is subordinate to some form of supra-nationalism. Our internationalism must be based on voluntariness. The fact that the progressive forces combating the EU leadership's policies backs away from forwarding the parole of getting out of the EU leaves the arena open for the ultra-right, which seizes this question and perverts it as Hitler's party seized the national question and the question of unemployment and perverted it in the 30's.

The idea that socialism cannot be built in one country is a defeatist idea that stops the working class from developing tactics to achieve just this. We are of course aware that the Norwegian working class cannot hold on to power alone over a longer period, as the imperialist forces would be overwhelming. But our goal is to to establish socialism in Norway, and we expect the international working class in all nations to struggle to achieve socialism in the respective nation-states.

It is the imperialist forces that are undermining the nation states and subjecting them to supra-national forms of state. The multi-nationals are traitors to the nations of Europe and are developing EU into a prison of nations. This is what the Maastricht agreement is all about.

The AKP considers that a socialist strategy must involve the liberation of the nations of Europe from supra-national state forms like the EU. A future socialist Europe must build on multi-lateral agreements based on voluntariness on the part of all nations.

Dissolve the EU!